I am so interested in hearing the other side of the story ,i have been listening to how the Americans came to help South Korea 52 years ago fight the war against North Korea.I understand from the hearsay that if it was not for the Americans who came to help ,the South Koreans could have been defeated .The help from the Americans never stopped ,they opted to stay and built camps and bases in South Korea as well as helping her to have a better economy in the world up to this day .
What i don't understand is why do the South Koreans after all this hate the Americans probably the same way the North does ?I lived in South Korea for three years and during this time i tried to ask so can understand where the US went wrong that made the people of South Korea hate them to a point where they cannot move around in the city or elsewhere alone ,they move in groups because from time to time they get attacked by the locals,they really hate Americans.Once they know you're an American they wont entertain your presence.After the 9-11 attacks you could see the locals celebrate and sharing the videos on their cell phones ,it was a bit strange and still is coz up to this day the security of that country is in the hands of the US, they brought that country up .we used to call it the US baby.
Can somebody out there tell me where or what did the US do to the South Koreans that created this hatred ?or maybe we can find some clues in the ongoing Iraq war of what it may have been like back then that 52 years after still affects the relationship between the people of the two countries .