Published on February 2, 2007 By Noldane In Blogging
It is sad that South Africans are not learning where they end up be ,they should raise their heads and see what Mugabe is going through that now he is calling for the white farmers to come get their land back even though he is saying it in other words that only those who did not say anything bad about the government are the ones who are being returned to reposses their farms .He is a grown man with a lot of pride and is shy to say it straight "i have failed" .

And now look at this....that i found......

©2007 By Ilana Mercer
> January 19, 2007
> They are conservative, Christian Caucasians, a fact that might help
> explain
> why the fashionable left in the West doesn't much care that they're being
> exterminated.
> The Boers-or farmers-of South Africa have tilled the land for generations,
> on small holdings or on large commercial farms. But orgiastic killing
> sprees
> by The People, in combination with a Stalinesque land grab by their
> representatives, is threatening this minority's survival.
> Not to mention making life an inferno for farmers across the county.
> Journalists for "Carte Blanche," the South African equivalent of "20/20,"
> conducted a six-month investigation into what has become known as farm
> murders, or "plaasmoorde" in Afrikaans. The short documentary opens with a
> funeral, Elsie Swart's. Elsie was one of three farmers killed in the span
> of
> only seven days. She died after being "severely tortured, burned with an
> electric iron, beaten, and strangled to death."
> The victims of this ongoing onslaught, we are told, are invariably
> elderly,
> law-abiding, god-fearing whites, murdered in cold blood, in ways that
> beggar
> belief. For the edification of racism spotters in the West, "Carte
> Blanche"
> ought to have pointed out that their assailants are always black.
> Typically, the heathens will attack on Sundays. On returning from church,
> the farmer is ambushed. Those too feeble to attend Sunday service are
> frequently tortured and killed when the rest are worshiping. In one crime
> scene, Bibles belonging to the slain had been splayed across their mangled
> bodies. In another, an "old man's hand rests on the arm of his wife of
> many
> years." She raped; he, in all likelihood, made to watch. Finally, with
> their
> throats slit, they died side by side.
> Beatrice Freitas has survived two farm attacks. Her equanimity belies the
> brutality she has endured. She and her husband immigrated to South Africa
> from Madeira 40 years ago. They built a thriving nursery near the
> Mozambiquean border. It supplied the entire region with beautiful plants.
> Some people build; others destroy. Beatrice tells her story as she drifts
> through the stately cycads surrounding the deserted homestead. There's an
> ephemeral quality about her.
> When the four men attacked her, Beatrice says her mind "disappeared." She
> and her permanently disabled husband, José, were tied up while the home
> was
> ransacked. When the brutes were through, they wanted to know where she
> kept
> the iron. They then took her to the laundry room, where two of them raped
> her, coated her in oil, and applied the iron. They alternated iron with
> boot. When they were through, 25 percent of Beatrice's body was covered in
> third-degree burns. They suffocated her with a towel, and left her for
> dead,
> but she survived. She says the Lord saved her.
> No one was ever arrested-not then, and not after the couple was attacked
> three years later. This time Jose died "in a hail of bullets." Arrests and
> convictions are rare. "Carte Blanche" tells of Dan Lansberg, shot dead in
> broad daylight. Members of his courageous farming community caught the
> culprits, but they "escaped" from the local police cells. As I've
> explained
> before, the newly configured South African police is a corrupt,
> illiterate,
> and ill-trained force, "riven by feuds, fetishes, and factional
> loyalties."
> The South African justice system has collapsed, confirms Professor Neels
> Moolman, a criminologist. In democratic South Africa, a person has over a
> 90
> percent chance of getting away with murder. Or as Moolman puts it,
> pursuing
> "a criminal career without fearing the consequences."
> Sky News sent its correspondent to the northern province of South Africa,
> where the viewers are introduced to Herman Dejager. (CNN's Anderson
> Vanderbilt Cooper and his pal Angelina Jolie were nowhere in sight.)
> Before
> retiring every night, Herman prepares to fight to the death to protect
> what's his. He checks his bulletproof vest, loads the shotgun, and drapes
> ammunition rounds on the nightstand.
> Herman's father died in his arms, shot in the face by intruders. Kaalie
> Botha's parents were not so lucky: "You can't kill an animal like they
> killed my mom and father. You can't believe it." Kaalie's 71-year-old
> father's Achilles tendons had been severed so he couldn't flee. He was
> then
> hacked in the back until he died, his body dumped in the bush. His wife,
> Joey, had her head bashed in by a brick wielded with such force, the skull
> "cracked like an egg."
> Dr. Gregory H. Stanton heads Genocide Watch. He says the slaughter of 2000
> Boers is genocide. (One wonders why "Carte Blanche" drastically
> underreported the number of murdered Boers, pegging it at 1400 all told,
> when back in January of 2006, Genocide Watch reported a total of 1820
> murders.) The rates at which the farmers are being eliminated, the torture
> and dehumanization involved-all point to systematic extermination.
> "Genocide is always organized, usually by the state," Stanton has written
> on
> Genocide Watch's website. Indeed, according to Sky News, the farmers
> believe
> "these attacks are an orchestrated, government sanctioned attempt to purge
> South Africa of white land owners, as has already happened in Zimbabwe."
> Consequently, Zimbabwe, once the breadbasket of Africa, is now its dust
> bowl. Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe's Marxist President, is greatly admired by
> Thabo Mbeki, South Africa's strongman, and head of the African National
> Congress.
> That certainly would explain why the ANC plans to dismantle the Commando
> System, a private Afrikaner militia that has existed since the 1770s, and
> is
> the only defense at the farmers' disposal. More damning-and contrary to
> the
> pro-forma denials issued by the ANC's oleaginous officials-The Daily Mail
> reported, in February 2006, that the government is dead-set-on forcibly
> seizing the land of thousands of farmers. By the year 2014, a third of the
> Boers' property will have been given to blacks.
> In democratic South Africa, dispossession is nine-tenths of the law.

on Feb 03, 2007
I disagree with you as far as your first paragraph is concerned. I refer you to my article "Ten Green Bottles" posted recently. Mugabe has learnt nothing at all. The white farmers have not been invited back to the land. What the recent press release said was that land minister Didymus Mutasa had said that more farms would be taken over but that "the lucky ones" may be invited to stay. By the "lucky ones" he implied those who support Mugabe. Show me any proof or statement that Mugabe or Mutasa may invite farmers back. It is completely contrary to the thinking of the Mugabe hierarchy who are determined to destroy a country piece by piece due to a mis-conceived hope that black farmers may be able to revive a dead farming economy.

As far as "Boer farmers" are concerned, the attacks on farmers in South Africa must be viewed within the context of a much higher than normal crime wave throughout the country. Farmers are more isolated and further from help than the average city dweller. They are, if elderly, often easy targets. My information from my homeland tells me that crime is an increasingly worrying aspect of South African life.

Farm land in South Africa will never be taken over "Mugabe style" because the government, unlike Mugabe, realise the economic importance of a healthy farming input. South African farmers are able to produce surplus grain and crops for export kudos. What is happening is that some farmland north of the Transkei may be taken over but with compensation commensurate with value.
on Feb 04, 2007
The white farmers have not been invited back to the land. What the recent press release said was that land minister Didymus Mutasa had said that more farms would be taken over but that "the lucky ones" may be invited to stay. By the "lucky ones" he implied those who support Mugabe.

Ooh,really they want to apply more salt to the wound .Sure they haven't learnt if that was his statement.

Farm land in South Africa will never be taken over "Mugabe style" because the government, unlike Mugabe, realise the economic importance of a healthy farming input.

> "Genocide is always organized, usually by the state," Stanton has written

> on

> Genocide Watch's website. Indeed, according to Sky News, the farmers

> believe

> "these attacks are an orchestrated, government sanctioned attempt to purge

> South Africa of white land owners, as has already happened in Zimbabwe."

> Consequently, Zimbabwe, once the breadbasket of Africa, is now its dust

> bowl. Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe's Marxist President, is greatly admired by

> Thabo Mbeki, South Africa's strongman, and head of the African National

> Congress.

As far as "Boer farmers" are concerned, the attacks on farmers in South Africa must be viewed within the context of a much higher than normal crime wave throughout the country. Farmers are more isolated and further from help than the average city dweller. They are, if elderly, often easy targets.

My information from my homeland tells me that crime is an increasingly worrying aspect of South African life.

How long have you been out of S.Africa ?,this is information from someone who is there so maybe it's happening now .and if it's happening then why is the international media not making stories out of it ?

on Feb 04, 2007
They'll be starving soon, and blaming western racism for our reluctance to deliver massive food aid.

Sure the'll do .

Someone told me that both the west and Africa depend on each other .The west gives Africa aid and in return the West always get the votes they need to do whatever they want in the world .They say thats why they don't push Africa too much .
on Feb 04, 2007
I was in the Eastern Cape 7 months ago. I'm not quite with your post. Are you saying that the crimes against farmers are being sanctioned by the government in order to take over the land? If so, I disagree. There would be too much to lose.
on Feb 04, 2007
Are you saying that the crimes against farmers are being sanctioned by the government in order to take over the land?

Thats what South African white people are saying ,maybe because all these attacks are being done by black South Africans and the government is not doing enough to control it .

For the edification of racism spotters in the West, "Carte
> Blanche"
> ought to have pointed out that their assailants are always black.